Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility opened in 1871 as a territorial prison and became a state prison in 1876. It was previously known as Colorado State Prison (CSP). CTCF is located within the city limits of CaƱon City and encompasses 150 acres (20 acres are within the secure perimeter and are staffed with six towers). Due to the Ramos vs. Lamm lawsuit in the 1970s and 1980s, CSP was renamed Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility (CTCF), and remodeling began. After several years of renovations, the facility was modernized and brought to its current configuration, which can house 985 medium-custody Level III male inmates. With a rich history in corrections, CTCF is the oldest prison within the department.
The facility offers a wide range of programming to the inmate population. These opportunities through academics include GED, post-secondary courses, customer service, computer information systems, and several cognitive education classes. Apprenticeship programs are available through culinary arts, food service, laundry, and maintenance disciplines. The population has access to a variety of religious offerings and several support groups, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Restorative Justice.
CTCF is an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) designated facility housing a variety of inmates with disabilities. Living units 1, 3, and 7 house General Population inmates, including several incentive living day halls for inmates with demonstrated good behavior. Unit 5 is a 140-bed transitional unit that temporarily houses inmates while they await transfer to other facilities throughout the state.
Job offerings throughout the facility include food service, general maintenance, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, recreation, offender care aide, housekeeping, education para pro, culinary arts, and various porter positions. CTCF also has several Colorado Correctional Industries (CCI) programs offering job opportunities in the Tag/Tab plant, which produces the license plates for Colorado and several other states. The CCI Canine Training program provides inmates with the expertise to train dogs for obedience and specialty skills.
CTCF has an infirmary that has a 32-bed unit that houses inmates from different facilities throughout the state with acute medical and mental health needs. The health services team provides 24/7 care to the inmate population.
Warden Jennifer Hansen
Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility
PO BOX 1010
Canon City, CO. 81215-1010
Switchboard - 719-275-4181

- Visiting Days and Hours
* Visiting appointments will only be made through the email and phone call process. They will not be scheduled at the conclusion of visiting hours. Same visiting policies and procedures apply to email and phone appointments.
Processing for Visitors Begins
Visiting Times
Designated Group
0815-0945 hours
0830-1045 hours
CTU/Cellhouse 5/ Infirmary/RP
1145-1430 hours
1200 (after count clears)-1530 hours
CTCF General Population
0815-1045 hours
0830-1530 hours
CTCF General Population
0815-1045 hours
0830-1530 hours
CTCF General Population
Persons who visit on either Friday or Saturday will not be permitted to visit on Sunday. Although there are three authorized visiting days, offenders shall not be permitted to receive visits from the same person(s) on more than two days per week unless approved through the custody/control manager.
- Visiting Appointments
Appointments can be arranged by calling (719)269-4226 or by email at
and will be processed between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, no more than seven (7) days in advance.
- Where/How to submit visiting applications
Visiting Applications may be obtained on our Visiting Applications page.
Applications can be emailed to:
- Who to contact if visiting has been denied
Requests for reconsideration if visitation has been suspended or denied can be sent by mail to Warden Hansen, 275 West Hwy 50, Canon City, CO 81212 or email to: