Special Teams


The Colorado Department of Corrections offers a variety of specialized teams and services to support the needs of our correctional facilities and communities.

A specially selected and trained volunteer team used to respond to hostage/crisis situation, barricaded individual(s), individuals identified as needing negotiations response to prevent self-harm that may result in death, and to work towards a successful resolution of the situation.

A specially selected and trained volunteer team utilized to support employees, contract workers, or volunteers who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events.

A designated, specially selected, and trained volunteer team at each facility, or division, utilized to contain and control the immediate crisis area, or to regain control of the area by force.

A volunteer team of selected elite staff used to represent the Colorado Department of Corrections in public relation events. This includes facility ground breaking, facility dedication, facility decommissioning, funerals, and other community functions.

A designated, specially selected, and trained volunteer team that has received specialized training in search/tracking operations and fugitive recovery.

A specially selected and trained volunteer team utilized to provide a centrally organized, highly specialized force to respond quickly and effectively to the most serious of emergencies that threaten the security of any state facility, private prison, or other law enforcement agency through mutual aid agreements.