Community Corrections

Community Corrections in Colorado

Community Corrections is often referred to as a “halfway house.” In Colorado these are typically occupied by ‘Diversion’ clients from Probation / judicial and ‘Transition’ clients from DOC. For DOC inmates the idea is to include graduated release through a systematic decrease in supervision and increase in offender responsibility. DOC offenders can go to a Community Corrections as an inmate and / or while on parole as a ‘Condition of Parole’ placement.  Community Corrections programs are supervised by the Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ).  For additional information regarding community corrections, visit the Division of Criminal Justice website

Community Corrections provides a sentencing or placement alternative, in lieu of prison incarceration, for felony offenders. Participating in a Community Corrections program requires the offender to change his or her behavior, while allowing some restricted privileges to access the community. Community Corrections combines residential supervision and treatment for offenders that are ineligible for probation supervision or for those who have spent time in prison and are awaiting parole placement by the State Board of Parole.

All providers of Community Corrections perform similar levels of core supervision and treatment practices according to the state standards. In addition to the core standards, some providers have specific programs targeted toward the supervision and treatment of specialized offenders who have various levels of substance use disorders, mental health disorders, and for offenders convicted of a sexual offense. These specialty programs include: Intensive Residential Treatment (IRT) programs, Residential Dual Diagnosis Treatment (RDDT) programs, Therapeutic Community (TC) programs, the EMBARC (Enhancing Motivation by Achieving Reshaped Cognition) pilot program, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Sex Offender Supervision and Treatment Programs (SOSTP).



Colorado Revised Statutes state that offenders shall be referred to Community Corrections. ‘Shall’ means unless an offender waives (using form AR 550-01A), the referral will be made by their case manager. Referrals are typically to the county where the offender wants to reside, or to the county of conviction for the crime for which they are currently serving. Once the referral has been submitted by the Case Manager/Community Parole Officer, the offender will have to be approved by the local Community Corrections Board before placement can occur.

Per DOC Administrative Regulation (AR) # 550-01, Integrated Case Management System, IV, C:
1) Offenders who have been convicted of a violent offense, as identified in AR 600-01, Offender Classification, shall be electronically referred to Community Corrections nine (9) months prior to the estimated parole eligibility date (PED). Placement at a Community Corrections center may occur six (6) months prior to the offender's estimated PED.

2) Offenders who have not been convicted of a violent offense shall be electronically referred to Community Corrections at 19 months prior to the estimated PED. Placement at a Community Corrections center may occur at 16 months prior to the estimated PED.

3) A Community Corrections regressed offender is not eligible to be referred until he or she has completed three (3) months in a DOC facility and maintains eligibility criteria.

4) Offenders who were regressed due to a Class I Code of Penal Discipline (COPD) conviction will complete one (1) year in a DOC facility, and maintain eligibility criteria and acceptable institutional behavior.

Community Corrections Boards and Contacts

Offender Eligibility Grid for Community Corrections Referrals (AR 550-01F)

Community Corrections Placement Refusal / Waiver (AR 550-01A)

CDOC Policies

There are 30 Community Corrections facilities state wide. A list of the programs, a map of their locations, addresses, phone numbers, and information on the current director can be found on the website for the Division of Criminal Justice, Office of Community Corrections, which has oversight of community corrections programs in Colorado. 

Once in Community Corrections, an offender may progress from the program by attaining ISP-inmate (ISP-I) status. In order to be submitted for ISP-I, the residential inmate must meet the following minimum criteria:

1) The residential inmate must be within 180 days to their parole eligibility date (PED).

2) The residential inmate will also have successfully attained Level 3 or the equivalent of the Community Correction Progression Matrix and achieved stabilization.

3) The residential inmate will need to provide a residence plan for review, investigation, and approval.

4) The residence plan will need to be presented to the appropriate Community Corrections Board for approval and then investigated and approved by a Community Parole Officer (CPO).

A referral will not be submitted for Community Corrections Board review unless stabilization has been achieved, as determined by the supervising CPO, and in consultation with Community Corrections staff.