The Centennial Correctional Facility (CCF) opened in 1980 as the State of Colorado’s maximum security facility until 1993 when Colorado State Penitentiary (CSP) was completed. CCF was classified as a Level V maximum security facility again in September 2010. The original building houses 336 adult male offenders as a high security multi-custody level facility.
CCF-North currently has 240 beds designated for the Residential Treatment Program for offenders with serious mental illness from all custody levels. The remaining 96 beds house Intensive Treatment Community offenders.
After being decommissioned in October of 2012, CCF-South was re-opened in March of 2020. CCF-South has a current population of 600 offenders in two towers, with 32 beds designated for Restrictive Housing. CCF-South houses 552 close custody offenders and 48 incentive offenders.
Offenders from the ITC program and the incentive living unit are utilized in providing critical job functions for food service, laundry, physical plant, and library.
Warden Ryan Flores
PO BOX 600
Canon City, CO. 81215-0600
Switchboard - 719-269-4810

- Visiting Days and Hours
CCF offers in person visits, non-contact and video visits via Securus Technologies.
- Where/How to submit visiting applications
Visiting Applications may be obtained on our Visiting Applications page.
Visitors should submit an application and copy of driver's license or state ID by mail or email to:
Centennial Correctional Facility
ATTN: Visiting
PO Box 600
Canon City, CO 81215
Or emailed in to:
Visiting appointment requests may be directed to
For video visits: Once the visitor application has been approved through CCF Visiting, you can go online to and sign up for Video Visitation.
- Who to contact if visiting has been denied
If a requested individual is denied visiting, such decisions may be appealed to the facilities administrative head. Please call 719-269-5572 / or email