Governor's Dashboard WIG Updates

Colorado Department of Corrections - Wildly Important Goals

For fiscal year 2024-2025, the CDOC has selected three Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) that align with the mission and vision of the department. Each of the department’s WIGs continue to focus on decreasing staff vacancies to ensure the safety of staff, offenders, and the community, decreasing the percentage of parolees receiving a new felony conviction and sentence and increasing successful parole completions with no complaints. These goals are not reflective of all the work being done within the department; rather, they highlight areas selected as priorities in fulfilling the mission of the CDOC.


WIG #1 - Decrease staff vacancy  

Successful completion of this goal will decrease staff vacancies and allow the department to operate at full capacity and deliver crucial programming and services.  Reducing vacancies also improves facility security and increases the likelihood of successful re-entry of incarcerated individuals upon release, which ultimately leads to higher levels of safety for the community.  

WIG #2 - Recidivism 

Successful completion of this goal will improve upon previous work by the department to support those reentering society, help Colorado become one of the top 10 safest states, reduce victimization in our communities, and save taxpayer dollars by utilizing resources more efficiently and not incurring the cost of re-incarceration.  The first-year post-release is often the most challenging for returning residents and their communities..  DOC strives to connect returning residents to community networks through ongoing employment efforts and community out-reach.

WIG #3 - Parole Compliance 

Successful completion of this goal will improve parole outcomes, support offender compliance through mentorship, and reduce the likelihood of future violations or new criminal behavior.  It will also improve public safety for the citizens of Colorado by finding effective and efficient ways to safely manage offenders in the community.  The Department is constantly exploring ways to manage and treat offenders in the community by guiding them to a path of prosocial behavior and self-sufficiency.  


For the most up to date performance metrics, please visit the Governor's Dashboard.