External Research Requests

CDOC permits and supports external research conducted by other state agencies, university students and professors, and other organizations interested in criminal justice issues. Medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic experimentation are not permitted. However, research and evaluation of correctional programs, services, and operations are allowed as described in administrative regulation (AR)1400-03.  Interested researchers should read this AR and submit Attachment A to the Office of Planning and Analysis for consideration of their proposal. Administrative regulations are available on our Department Policies page

The Research Advisory Panel meets on the last Friday of each month to review requests to conduct research and makes recommendations regarding project approval. Each project must be approved by the research director, administrative head(s), and executive director. Requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the review date. Due to the multi-level review process, decisions may take several weeks. Please consider the length of time a review may take when submitting your proposal. Requests for expedited reviews cannot be considered. 

Please submit your proposals/requests to DOC_OPA@state.co.us

When submitting your request, please include: