Other Published Reports

Alcohol and Drug Research 

Annual Substance Abuse Report FY22 - PENDING FINAL APPROVAL 

Annual Substance Abuse Report FY21               Annual Substance Abuse Report FY20

Annual Substance Abuse Report FY19               Annual Substance Abuse Report FY18     Annual Substance Abuse Report FY17     

Annual Substance Abuse Report FY14-FY16     Annual Substance Abuse Report FY12     Annual Substance Abuse Report FY10     

Annual Substance Abuse Report FY09               Annual Substance Abuse Report FY08     Annual Substance Abuse Report FY07     

Annual Substance Abuse Report FY05               Annual Substance Abuse Report FY04     Annual Substance Abuse Report FY03


Colorado Violation Decision Making Process (CVDMP) Pilot Study

Youthful Offender System

Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY23          Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY22

Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY21          Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY20

Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY19          Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY18        

Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY17          Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY16         

Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY15          Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY14         

Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY13          Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY12         

Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY11          Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY10        

Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY09          Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY08         

Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY06-07    Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY03-05    

Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY02          Youthful Offender System Annual Report FY00

State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) 



SCAAP FY15     SCAAP FY14     SCAAP FY13     SCAAP FY12     

SCAAP FY11     SCAAP FY10     SCAAP FY09     SCAAP FY08     


Cost Per Day

Cost Per Day FY23     Cost Per Day FY22     Cost Per Day FY21     Cost Per Day FY20

Cost Per Day FY19     Cost Per Day FY18     Cost Per Day FY17     Cost Per Day FY16

Cost Per Day FY15     Cost Per Day FY14     Cost Per Day FY13     Cost Per Day FY12     

Cost Per Day FY11     Cost Per Day FY10     Cost Per Day FY09     Cost Per Day FY08     

Cost Per Day FY07     Cost Per Day FY06     Cost Per Day FY05     Cost Per Day FY04     

Cost Per Day FY03     Cost Per Day FY02     Cost Per Day FY01     Cost Per Day FY00

General Reports

Internal Classification Study April 2013     

External Classification Study March 2013   

General Statistics FY13

Standardized Offender Assessment - Revised Apr 2012    

Minority Overrepresentation FY10     

Level of Supervision Inventory Evaluation FY10    

PREA Report FY09     

Evaluation of the OTMA and ASUS-R among Colorado Offenders April 2012  

Analysis of Colorado's Administrative Segregation 2005 

Effectiveness of Arrowhead and Peer I Therapeutic Communities FY 2004

Outcome Evaluation of Intensive Residential Treatment in Colorado September 2003     

Process Evaluation of Intensive Residential Treatment December 2001

The Effectiveness of the CrossRoad to Freedom House Therapeutic Community November 1998

The Validation of the Level of Supervision Inventory (LSI) on Community Corrections Populations 1998

The Validation of the Level of Supervision Inventory (LSI) for Community-Based Offenders in Colorado: Phase II 1998