Legislative Reports

SB 23-039 Reduce Child and Incarcerated Parent Separation Annual Report

CY 2023 Reduce Child and Incarcerated Parent Separation Annual Report 

SB 23-203 Authority of the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Corrections to Apprehend Fugitives

CY 2023 Authority of the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Corrections to Apprehend Fugitives

SB 21-193 Birth Occurrence and Use of Restraint on Pregnant Inmates

Birth Occurrence and Use of Restraint on Pregnant Inmates CY23

Birth Occurrence and Use of Restraint on Pregnant Inmates CY22

Birth Occurrence and Use of Restraint on Pregnant Inmates CY21

SB 21-146 Special Needs Parole 

October 2021 

November 2021 

December 2021

January 2022 

February 2022

March 2022

April 2022

May 2022

June 2022

July 2022

August 2022

September 2022

October 2022

November 2022

December 2022

January 2023

February 2023

March 2023

April 2023

May 2023

June 2023

July 2023

August 2023

September 2023

October 2023

November 2023

December 2023

January 2024

February 2024

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

SB 21-138 Improve Brain Injury Support in Criminal Justice System

Brain Injury Support in Criminal Justice System CY23

Brain Injury Support in Criminal Justice System CY22

Work Release Program

Work Release Program Report FY22

Work Release Program Report FY21

Work Release Program Report FY20

HB 18-1040 Incentives for Mental Health Providers

Incentives for Mental Health Providers FY23

Incentives for Mental Health Providers FY22

Incentives for Mental Health Providers FY21

Incentives for Mental Health Providers FY20

Incentives for Mental Health Providers FY19

Incentives for Mental Health Providers FY18

SB 16-180 Juvenile Reintegration Program

Juvenile Reintegration Program FY23

Juvenile Reintegration Program FY22

Juvenile Reintegration Program FY21

Juvenile Reintegration Program FY20

Juvenile Reintegration Program FY19

Juvenile Reintegration Program FY18

SB 15-124 Responses to Technical Parole Violations (SUNSETTED)

Responses to Technical Parole Violations FY18    

Responses to Technical Parole Violations FY17    

Responses to Technical Parole Violations FY16    

Responses to Technical Parole Violations FY15

HB 14-1355 Re-entry Initiatives (SUNSETTED)

Re-entry Initiatives FY21

Re-entry Initiatives FY20     Re-entry Initiatives FY19     Re-entry Initiatives FY18

Re-entry Initiatives FY17     Re-entry Initiatives FY16     Re-entry Initiatives FY15

SB 13-216 Concerning Youthful Offenders within CDOC

SB13-216 Concerning Youthful Offenders FY22

SB13-216 Concerning Youthful Offenders FY21

SB13-216 Concerning Youthful Offenders FY20

SB13-216 Concerning Youthful Offenders FY19

SB13-216 Concerning Youthful Offenders FY18     

SB13-216 Concerning Youthful Offenders FY17

SB13-216 Concerning Youthful Offenders FY16     

SB13-216 Concerning Youthful Offenders FY14

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY23

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY22

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY21

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY20

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY19

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY19

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY18

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY17   

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY16

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY15

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY14

Corrections Officer Staffing Levels FY13

Residential Treatment Program

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY23

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY22

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY21

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY20

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY19

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY18

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY17

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY16

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY15

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY14

Centennial Correctional Facility Residential Treatment Program Report FY13

Centennial Correctional Facility/Colorado State Penitentiary Offenders with Mental Illness Report FY12

Colorado State Penitentiary Offenders with Mental Illness Report FY10

Colorado State Penitentiary Offenders with Mental Illness Report FY09

SB-11-176 Administrative Segregation for Colorado Inmates 

Administrative Segregation Report FY23

Administrative Segregation Report FY22

Administrative Segregation Report FY21

Administrative Segregation Report FY20

Administrative Segregation Report FY19

Administrative Segregation Report FY18

Administrative Segregation Report FY17    

Administrative Segregation Report FY16    

Administrative Segregation Report FY15    

Administrative Segregation Report FY14

Administrative Segregation Report FY13    

Administrative Segregation Report FY12

Status of Private Prisons

Private Prisons FY23     Private Prisons FY22    Private Prisons FY21

Private Prisons FY20     Private Prisons FY19     Private Prisons FY18     

Private Prisons FY17     Private Prisons FY16     Private Prisons FY15     

Private Prisons FY14     Private Prisons FY13     Private Prisons FY12

Education and Vocational Programs

Education Report FY23

Education Report FY22     Education Report FY21     Education Report FY20

Education Report FY19     Education Report FY18     Education Report FY17   

Education Report FY16     Education Report FY15     Education Report FY13     

Education Report FY12     Education Report FY11     Education Report FY10

Lifetime Supervision of Sex Offenders

Lifetime Supervision Report FY23

Lifetime Supervision Report FY22

Lifetime Supervision Report FY21

Lifetime Supervision Report FY20

Lifetime Supervision Report FY19

Lifetime Supervision Report FY18     

Lifetime Supervision Report FY17

Lifetime Supervision Report FY16    

Lifetime Supervision Report FY15     

Lifetime Supervision Report FY14     

Lifetime Supervision Report FY13    

Lifetime Supervision Report FY12     

Lifetime Supervision Report FY11     

Lifetime Supervision Report FY10    

Lifetime Supervision Report FY09    

Lifetime Supervision Report FY08

HB 07-1172 Sexually Violent Predators

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY23

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY22

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY21

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY20

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY19

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY18

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY17     

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY16

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY15     

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY14     

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY13     

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY12   

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY11     

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY10     

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY09    

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY08     

Sexually Violent Predator Report FY07

Psychotropic Medication (SUNSETTED)

Psychotropic Medication Report FY14     

Psychotropic Medication Report FY13   

Psychotropic Medication Report FY12     

Psychotropic Medication Report FY11     

Psychotropic Medication Report FY10     

Psychotropic Medication Report FY09     

Psychotropic Medication Report FY08     

Psychotropic Medication Report FY07

HB13-1292 Contracting Rationale Reports

M13001 Housing  Unit Elec Repl BP2 IFB

HB 23-1013 Use of Restrictive Practices in Prisons

Use of Restrictive Practices in Prisons FY23