Fugitive Operations- This section is comprised of three (3) components: The Fugitive Apprehension Unit (FAU), the Command Post, and the Extradition Unit.
The primary duty of the Fugitive Apprehension Unity (FAU) is location and apprehension of fugitive parolees and Community Corrections offenders. Additionally, the FAU serves as a rapid deployment team for emergency or urgent circumstances for the Department and Division, or in conjunction with a properly vetted request for mutual aid.
Fugitive Tip Line: 1-866-873-6305
- Command Post
The Command Post is a 24-hour/seven days per week operation which is staffed by eight (8) full-time Command Post Navigators. The Command Post is responsible for triaging and redirecting electronic monitoring alerts received from a third-party private contractor. It also serves as logistical support to Community Parole Officers and to the myriad requests from outside law enforcement agencies who come in to contact with offenders under Adult Parole’s supervision.
- Extradition Unit
The Extradition Unit staff works daily in conjunction with law enforcement and correctional agencies from all over the country in tracking offender arrests and scheduling extraditions of offenders back to Colorado. Extraditions are scheduled to be conducted by private contractor transport, and on occasion, by Community Parole Officers handling the offender extradition.