Sponsoring a parolee:
Family and friends have the potential to be a ready resource for offenders returning to the community. Our goal is to build a collaborative relationship between the Community Parole Officer, Sponsor, and Offender. We appreciate your support.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact the offender's Case Manager, Facility-based Community Parole Officer, or Community Parole Officer.
- You must be aware of the offender's criminal history.
- You must not be the victim or co-defendant of any crime involving the offender (special consideration may be made on a case-by-case basis, if permitted).
- You must allow Community Parole Officers to visit and search your residence at any time.
- Items may be taken as property and evidence against the offenders.
- You may not have any firearms, ammunition, or other deadly weapons in the residence, vehicles, or in any structures located at the residence.
- You may not possess any illegal substances in the residence.
- You must allow the use and placement of electronic monitoring devices.
- You must be aware of and support the offender's conditions of parole. For example, if an offender's history includes a sexual offense or an offense against a child (such as child abuse), the offender will have not contact with anyone under the age of 18.
These forms must be signed prior to placement of the offender in your residence.
- The initial home visit will occur in the first 30 days of supervision. Subsequent visits will depend of the level of supervision.
- The purpose of a home visit is to ensure compliance with the conditions of supervision. Community Parole Officers have the right to search the residence, common areas the offender uses, and anything under the control of the offender; including vehicles or structures on the property.
- Home visits are typically conducted from 5:00a.m. to 10:00p.m., seven days a week. Visits may be outside of these hours due to exigent circumstances.
- If the sponsor denies entry to the residence, the offender will immediately need to find another residence.
- If the Community Parole Officer is aware of something hidden or concealed, they will search that area.
- Community Parole Officers may ask for access to any safes or locked rooms within the home.
The sponsor may inform the Community Parole Officer of the offender's poor behavior. For example, socializing with the wrong people, not coming home, substance use, unapproved contact with minors, etc. If this occurs, the source of the information can be kept confidential. The more the officer knows, the more he or she can assist and initiate appropriate interventions or programs. Sponsors may call the CWISE Contact Line to leave a message for the Community Parole Officer at 1-800-426-9143. Operators are available 24-hours a day.
Let's work together and we can intervene with available assistance before problems arise.
All Colorado offenders are prohibited from using marijuana as it is still against Federal Law (Controlled Substances Act 21 U.S.C.- 811). Colorado Parolees are governed by both Federal and State law.
- Marijuana is not encouraged within the residence for those offenders with a substance abuse problem.
- While alcohol is not prohibited within the residence, it is also not encouraged if the offender has an alcohol problem.
If you have questions, please check with the supervising Community Parole Officer.
Property and evidence that may constitute a violation may be taken for safekeeping. These items may be directly under the offender's control or in a common area that the offender uses. Certain property taken may be released within 30 days from the date that it was confiscated and will require proof of ownership to be claimed. Property not claimed within 30 days from the date it was taken will be marked for destruction and will not be released to any party after the 30th day pursuant to Administrative Regulation 250-57 Property and Evidence Control, which may be accessed on our Department Policies page.
Evidence may be disposed of at the conclusion of the Administrative Hearing or at the direction of the District Attorney's office if the evidence was used in a criminal proceeding. Any evidence held will require a written release to be returned to the owner.
Property or evidence will only be released to an individual who provides both valid identification and proof of ownership.
- We cannot evict a person from their residence.
- We can relocate the offender to another residence based on their needs for a higher level of supervision or for violations.
- We can criminally charge the offender with a crime such as theft or assault. If this is occurring, contact your local law enforcement agency, initiate a police report, and notify the Community Parole Officer via CWISE at 1-800-426-9143.
- We can restrict who the offender associates with or who visits your home.
Drug Endangered Children: In any residence where children are present and illegal substances are used and/or found, the Community Parole Officer, by Colorado Revised Statute, is considered a mandatory reporter and must report all instances of this alleged activity to the appropriate authority.
At-Risk Adults: In any residence where persons over the age of 70, or a person who is over the age of 18 with an intellectual and developmental disability, are present and abuse is suspected, the Community Parole Officer, by Colorado Revised Statute, is considered a mandatory reporter and must report all instances of this alleged activity to the appropriate authority.
Yes. The offender will need to find another place to live. This may include a homeless shelter, local halfway house, Sober Living House, or an alternative residence.
No. The offender is responsible to follow the conditions of his/her supervision; however, we do appreciate any support you can give.
This depends on your signed lease agreement. We recommend you check with your landlord before you agree to the sponsorship.
Yes. We recommend that you check with your landlord as Section 8 Housing does not generally allow sexually violent predators and methamphetamine manufacturers.
This will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Yes. All parties must be compliant with their supervision.